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Religious School

 Religious School enrolling NOW for 2024 - 2025 school year.

Our religious school classes take place on Sunday from 9:30 - 12:00. We also offer a Friday night Religious School Shabbat on the second Friday of each month. Service is very participatory and culminates in a shared Shabbat dinner experience. We currently offer 3 age groups for classes,  ALEPH - K,1,2; BET -  for 3,4,5; and GIMMEL - for 6,7,and 8 graders. 

Religious school classes begin on Sunday, October 27th. Our first Family Shabbat will be on Friday, September 6.


Our goals for all students:

  • Help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in Jewish life at home, at the synagogue, and in the community.
  • Instill a strong sense of Jewish Identification with the Jewish people, traditions, and the State of Israel.
  • Help students develop a strong moral compass based on the values of Torah and other sacred texts.
  • Students will have fun while learning. Learning will be accomplished through different types of modalities such as music, dance, art, games, etc.


Our goal is to help the students make educated decisions about their religious involvement and practices, and to help them establish/form their own Jewish identities. Additional units or lessons may be added based on student interest, special events taking place in the community, or the unique background/skills of community members. Students, their families, and our teachers will have the opportunity to express their interest in various topics not necessarily listed in this curriculum.

COST:  $600 Member; $ 800 non Member

Bar and Bat Mitzvah Preparation: 

Students will have 1:1 tutoring which will be scheduled individually and at an additional cost. This will cover learning a Torah portion and a Haftorah. Please speak with the Religious School Director for more information on this program.

Call the Temple Office to sign up: (561) 967-3600 


Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784